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Czech Republic

Eurotoll provides you access to the road network of the Czech Republic (New offer).

The road toll system in the Czech Republic: Myto CZ


In Czech Republic, the ETC works through specific OBUs provided by Viatoll. These OBUs are detected by antennas when passing under the gantries located on the lanes, vehicles traveling at normal speed.All heavy goods vehicles and buses of over 3.5 tons using the 1430 km long Czech national road network are subject to the payment of this road toll.
On 1 December 2019, a new electronic toll system was implemented with new OBUs. Since that date, you must be registered on the new system and have a new generation OBU to be authorized to circulate on the toll network.

Eurotoll supports you in this transition by managing all registration formalities for you and providing you with a suitable OBU.



Rates are calculated based on the following factors:


  • The type of the road used (Motorway, national roads, primary roads)
  • The time of passing
  • The type of the vehicle (heavy goods, bus)
  • The number of axles
Calculate your toll cost

Control and penalties

Video control of the presence of the OBU in the vehicle and of the coherence with the registration plate of the vehicle where it is installed. The control is performed by the road toll authority being part of national administration. Anyone not complying with the regulation shall pay a penalty and their vehicle may be stopped.

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Benefits of Eurotoll services:

  • Optimize your road toll costs
  • Track your activity through your customized dashboards
  • Monitor the number of journeys you have made on the road toll network by vehicle and by driver
  • Create customized reports by sub-fleet, customer, planner…
  • Enter your toll payment data automatically in your business tools (TMS, ERP or Excel)


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